Monday 1 July 2019

Let's Talk: Depression

6 Feb 2018, this is the day I shared on a topic for my Sociology class that is really close to my heart,
Let's Talk: Depression.

A lot of people who I know ARE having depression right now, and so did I! Every now and then it turns on and off and never leaves me alone. Well, some of the days they do, but mostly, it doesn't.

Depression somehow became a very sensitive topic to talk about in the society. The moment we hear the word it feels like there's this dark side of it that you don't want to go into, a negative aura following it wherever it goes. And that is what people face no matter what age group you are in.

Countless stars face depression like Chester Bennington, Marilyn Monroe, Kristen Bell, Lady Gaga, Demi Lovato, Cara Delevigne and the most unexpected Dwayne Johnson.
Countless news about depression keep on surfacing and you will be surprised with how many people in your life could actually be going through depression at this very moment.

As we grow older, our priorities change. The things that occupy us, the things that concerns us, it all changes throughout our lives. Stress and anxieties that you have from work, studies, debts, loans, money, body, fear and fame. The fear of being judged, the fear of being made fun of, the fear of being seen as weak. Divorce or failed relationships and marriages and death of a loved one.

Depression creeps on you quietly. People ask you how you are and you say you are fine but you are not.

They'll know they'll never know...

Fear comes in maybe you have doubt in your life, maybe you don't know for sure what's going to be happening in the future and it scares you, a lot. So you sort of put on this mask and say, "I'm fine".
You go home and lay on your bed and no one is looking at you, and you don't have to impress anyone. Because if they don't like you then who will? If they don't accept you then who will? Then you feel all alone. And somehow at some point of time you feel tired. And that is when you decide to end your life, cause when you end life, you end pain.

When you are about to end your life, you ask yourself,
"Is there any hope?"

Then there's this spark, slowly lighten up, and it gradually becomes bigger the moment you start to believe again. So you decide to take that spark. You reach out to take that spark with much hesitation, cause you think that if you take it you will have to face life again.

Then there's this assurance, a calm voice telling you, "It's ok, I've got your back. Have faith and take it".

You believe in that voice. And so you take that one step of faith and everything changes.

In life you might not find any hope or anyone to lean on. But there is this divine being that will never change no matter what you do, and that is Jesus.

He is the Only One that can fill the void,
He is the Only One that listens anytime you need someone to talk to,
He is the Only One that can save you.

"I am The Way, The Truth and The Life. No one comes to The Father except through me." ~ John 14:6

I don't care what you think of me after sharing this cause I just want you to know, Jesus is there for you always. Give Jesus a chance to prove His capability.

Reflection: Myself

It was just yesterday when I made this poem during IT class because I was bored. In my heart I thought that a lot of people have changed and forgotten who they really are as they live their lives in this world being influenced by a lot of things. And slowly, good people when influenced by bad and evil motives become bad. This poem reflects the after, when an evil person was resting by a lake at night, see his own reflection.

In the night sky
Out of the darkness
The bright moon shines
As it reflects the light the sun gives

Shone over the clear lake
I see my reflection on the surface
Far from what I imagine
That ghastly thing I see

“What has become of me?”
“Who is this hideous being?”
As the outside reflects the inside
So is my evil heart from the inside